Dinner in My Mind

I have a list of people I’d like to host for a dinner party. I will use my best dishes, set a colorful spread, facilitate sparkling conversation, and feed them well.
For my night with the ladies, I will invite Elizabeth Berg, Anne Lamott, Marisa de los Santos, Maya Angelou, Jamie Lee Curtis, Nora Ephron, Julia Roberts, and Oprah.
For my night with the gentlemen, I will invite Donald Miller, Tom Hanks, Stephen King, Steven Spielburg, Aaron Sorkin, Andy Stanley, Brennan Manning, and my brother.
Some of these people are in heaven. I realize that. I’m willing to wait on the opportunity to dine with them.
Some of these people have said yes to their invitation.
If you’re on the list, feel free to shoot me your RSVP.
We’ll find a date that works.
Tricia Lott Williford
Alicia says:
Your blog just inspired me (as it often does) to really think about this. My answers are: Anne Boleyn, Emily Blunt, Kate Middleton, J.K. Rowling, George Clooney, both my grandfathers, and J.R.R Tolkien
Beth says:
Wow – I’ve been reading your blog now for a while and feeling like I’m getting to know you…isn’t that what blogs are for? Finally had to comment because I too, would love to share a meal with Ann Lamott, Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Miller and Brennan Manning (I’d put him first in this list…). I’ll have to think on the rest of my guest list. I’d let you create the beautiful spread and spawn the sparkling conversation so I could just listen and observe…
Anne says:
May I be invited as a fly on the wall to observe? It all sounds so fascinating.
Erin Jones says:
Funny, since you would be on my invite list! I’ll make something really tasty, and we can pretend that dessert has no calories. It’d be great. Feel free to bring others with you…I think I’d like to meet your mom tooJ
A girl can dream;)