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Warrior Mom

“The father’s job is to teach his children how to be warriors, to give them the confidence to get on the horse and ride into battle when it’s necessary to do so.  If you don’t get that from your father, you have to teach yourself.”

I read this and sincerely hope one can also learn it from his mom.

How to carry confidence in your pocket.
How to get back on the horse.
How to ride into battle.
How to be a warrior.

It’s a high calling, this business of ‘raising men.’

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Jeremy says:

    These are just social roles as we Americans see them. You’re riding a horse into battle against entirely different forces. Instead of being taught how to fight bullies or a soccer coach or being the little guy, you’re teaching them how to fight light loneliness, the fear of asking for help, and seemingly endless abysses. While they might not be able to pin their opponent to the mat and raise their arms proud because Robb wasn’t there to show them these moves, they’ll be able to help their friend when they lose a close loved-one. They will have seen that it’s okay to be upset, that it’s good to cry, that it’s normal to feel like there’s nowhere left to go, because they saw you then and they see you now. They can face the oh-so important battles with stronger weapons than most others.

    Don’t worry, mothers can teach their sons how to be a warrior. They may lose some battles along the road, but you’re preparing them for when the shit hits the fan; i.e. the war.

  2. Jen Case says:

    Glennon Melton, the blogger of Momastery fame, will have a new book soon about exactly this! You might like her blog. It is largely about this “brutiful life”.

  3. Erin says:

    I learned this from my dad, who had a liver transplant when I was twelve and has struggled through many health issues and the occasional bout of despair and yet is one of the strongest, most encouraging people I know.

    i also learned it from my mom, who sat at his bedside and raised two almost-teen-children while her husband was sick and dying and came out of it with her head held high and her faith, while dented and scraped, still intact. Who now provides encouraging words for others when they have their own rough times, or that’s not what they need, who cleans houses and paints cupboards and cooks meals and offers prayers and sits silently in company.

    I learned it from an aunt and a grandmother who gave generously of their time and their money to help their sister and two ungrateful kids while their dad was sick – and then continued to help for many, many years after. They taught me to give back to their families, and then to give back beyond my family when I was older.

    You can learn these things from anywhere. From any of many, many role models in your life. An aunt, an uncle, a grandmother or grandfather, a neighbor, a minister, a church friend. Your mom. Yourself.

    Your boys will learn this, because they have loving, strong, giving, caring people around them. You are nothing if not a warrior right now. You are fighting a lot of battles. They may not get that in detail right now, but they won’t always be this age, and one day they will look back and be amazed at the things you fought through, and the things everyone else in their lives fought through, and it will give them courage to get up and fight when they need to. They will be amazed. Maybe even dumbfounded. But they will know that they can do it, too.

    Gender has nothing to do with it.


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