I updated my iPhone, and now I inadvertently receive all the updates Robb had set up in his google calendar.
Change the furnace filters.
Heart meds for the dog – his dog – that I gave to a family with a daddy.
I didn’t ask for these updates.
And I can’t decide if I want to delete them or not, change the settings or not.
Continue to know his thoughts, or not.
Tricia Lott Williford
jjhil says:
You might want to keep the one about the filter… 🙂
Claire Pisor says:
Dang, another whammy that hit you out of left field. I, at some point, would hope these experiences would end for you. How silly of me! I suppose one must look at transforming into the future as a choice and an invitation to a life unknown yet promised. It is not an unbinding or losing of the past, but discovering how the past has brought one to this place, this time. Memories serve to show us how and who we were; whether or not they tether us or free us remains our choice. It’s one with which we struggle daily in our walk with Jesus. Prayers that you will know wisdom for your life.
Marissa says:
I’ve oftened wondered the story behind your dog.
Sandy Widstrom says:
Wow, how many adjustments, changes, continuances, goodbyes do you make? How intertwined do your lives continue to be? Certainly, I cannot know what it is to walk in your shoes, but at what point do the threads of your lives–your life together–become not weakened, but held together by the most important cords?