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Be Loved.

There is some serious potency in the first fourteen verses of Ephesians.  A wealth of promises and blessings that are mine – yours – to claim.

I made a list this morning, straight from the text, of the blessings and promises he has bestowed on me.

(Please read these with yourself in mind.)

God gives grace and peace.
Any peace I feel at any given moment is a gift from him.  When I am not afraid, when my heart is still, these are God’s gifts to me.

Even before he made the world, he chose me.

He chose me to be perfect and without fault in his eyes.  No matter what anyone else may ever say about me.

He decided to adopt me into his family.
Adoption is no small decision.

He has blessed me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms.  I don’t even know what this means, really.  But it sounds so promising.  Like I don’t want to miss it.

He has united me with Christ.
The same spirit that is alive in Jesus is also alive in me.

He loves me.  He chose me because he wanted to.  It gave him great pleasure.

I have received an inheritance.

He makes everything work out according to his plan.
Even these years, this season, as my children pray for their new daddy, God is at work, according to his plan.  Something great is coming our way.

I can praise God for the glorious grace he poured out on me, because I belong to him.

He will bring everything together under his authority.  Everything on heaven and on earth.  Nothing will exist that doesn’t belong to him.

He is rich in kindness.

He is rich in grace.

He brought me to him through Christ Jesus.

He purchased me and my freedom.

He forgave my sins.

He showers me with his kindness, wisdom, and understanding.
I wonder… when I see kindness, wisdom and understanding in the world around me, are these gifts from him?  When I see kindness, wisdom and understanding in my own spirit, are these gifts from him.  I have to conclude yes.  He is the giver of every good and perfect gift.

He has given me the Spirit as a guarantee of his inheritance.

The grace and peace I feel within my spirit, His spirit in me, these are his whispers to me: Hey, babe.  There’s more where that came from.  I promise.  Guaranteed.

He did this so I may praise and glorify him.

Reading this list, how could I not?

* * *

“Be Loved.”

Have you ever let yourself be loved
by the one that made you?
Have you ever told your soul to believe
that his heart is on your side?
You could even try to run away,
but there is nothing you can do.
So just be loved.
Be loved.
He loves you.

Have you ever let yourself be held
by the one who holds this world?
Have you ever told your soul to rejoice
that his arms are open wide?
You could even try to run away,
but he’d come running after you.

So just be held.
Be held.
He holds you.

Just be held.
Be held.
He holds you.

We didn’t earn it, he just chose to give it,
and its in our resting that we rise up singing, rejoicing.

You are loved.
Be loved.
He loves you.

~ c. nockels

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. beth says:

    True, so very true. Thank you. I needed to hear these words.

  2. Brenda Meyers says:

    Thanks Tricia made my day 🙂

  3. Margie Snyder says:

    Oh, Tricia … yes!

  4. Claire Pisor says:

    Not only is this a gift to me today (thank you, God, for using Tricia to help me hear you) but also for a dear friend who needs to hear these blessings and promises.

  5. Patty Kline says:

    I really needed to hear all this today. Thank you.


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