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Parting Words

“Mommy, before you go,” to a meeting of creative artists, “I need to tell you something. You look very weird.”

“Weird? Really?”

“Just your eyelashes, actually.”

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Sue Muckley says:

    Can I guess which son said this….Tyler???

    • Tricia Lott Williford says:

      It was Tuck, Sue! Of all things!! 😉

  2. Susie says:

    By the way you looked lovely.

    • Tricia Lott Williford says:

      Thank you, Susie. 🙂 You had a front row seat. 🙂

  3. Betsy Carneal Salzman says:

    My husband came downstairs to go to work on “casual day” and had bought a new “cool” shirt….our 17 year old daughter came downstairs and said “Nope, dad, you’re trying too hard”….back up the stairs he went and back to the store went the shirt…..SMILE:)

  4. DeAnn Clum says:

    I spit out my bite of sandwich on that one!! My 12-yr-old has convinced me that all I need is a little under eye concealer. He says anymore make up than that makes me look weird and wicked. Yes, I have let a 12 yr old boy influence my face art just because I can’t get those 2 “w” words out of my head every time I get dressed!

  5. Dana F says:

    How do we parent this? My kids, who are used to seeing my in capris and t-shirts, say the same thing when I get dressed up.


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