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Drum Roll….

I can finally say this out loud:

I officially signed a 2-book contract with Waterbrook Random House!!

(First book will be released January 2014.)

More details to come. I just needed to tell you. 🙂

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Dana says:

    Can*not* wait to buy your book!!!

  2. Jodi Tucker says:

    Congratulations young lady!!!

  3. Christine O says:

    Congratulations!!!! Can’t wait!

  4. Robin Elgard says:

    Girl. I have no words. I am so stinking proud of you and awed at this adventure God has brought you to! YOU. ARE. AMAZING.

  5. jjhil says:

    Brava & Kudos!! Looking forward to reading it – something tells me it’s going to be one of my all-night-marathon reading sessions…

  6. Michele Ferguson says:

    Congratulations Tricia!! I am so excited and happy for you!

  7. Cristi says:

    That is so awesome! Hope I can get it on my kindle fire! 🙂

  8. Penny says:

    I’m so happy and excited for you (and me, ’cause I get to read it)!!! Awesome news! 🙂

  9. Lynda Wishart says:

    Holy CRAP!! I am SOOOOO proud of you!!
    Pretty soon I can say”I knew you when…”
    Love and YAY FOR YOU!!
    Lynda WIshart

  10. Allison says:

    Congratulations!!! So excited for you! (and for me…can’t wait to read it!)

  11. Teresa McLeod says:

    Congratulations Tricia. May God bless as you embrace this new journey. You, Tuck, and Tyler make a great team. May you continue to make your life count for Christ!

    Because of His Love,

  12. Nada says:

    Are there going to be pictures? I like picture books. How about extra big margins for notes? A signing party with a super cool coffee bar? How about I just stop asking questions? Yes, let’s go with that.

  13. Jamie says:

    YAY!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! (i love u.)

  14. jding says:

    Congrats!!! Can’t wait to read them both. They’re gonna be fantastic, I’m sure of it!!

  15. Char Waibel says:

    Why will it take so long?

  16. Terri says:

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to hear more!!

  17. Mary Anne says:

    Can’t wait to read them!!

  18. De says:

    Wonderful, another evidence of God’s grace poured out on your life. And without your Masters degree :o)

  19. Stephanie says:

    How exciting! Congratulations!!

  20. amber says:


  21. suzanne says:

    Congrats!…but how are we suppose to wait til Jan 2014! 🙂

  22. Tracey says:

    That is so awesome! Congratulations.. can’t wait to pick it up : )

  23. r8chel says:

    Hooray! Congratulations!

  24. Diane says:

    Congratulations Tricia!! I have been “with” you now through tragedy and triumph, and I’m glad the publisher can see what a gift you have. I, for one, will be one of the first in line for a copy. Way to go!! I can’t wait!


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