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Sleep Singing


2:32 AM.

I was performing ‘One Day More’ from Les Miserables, with a full cast, choir, and orchestra.  I was singing boldly, loudly, operatically.

I woke myself with my own blazing voice and flailing arms.

(This reminds me of the night Robb stomped all over the bedroom, waking me in a frenzy, trying to ‘take care of the mice.’)

It’s probably best that I sleep alone these days.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Alicia says:

    I don’t know what I love more, that this happened or that you were singing Les Mis!!!

  2. Dana F says:

    Regarding your own dream: Your brother would be so proud!
    Regarding Robb’s dream: EW!
    Regarding your own dream (again): I’ll bet Robb would have teased you to no end the next day! 🙂


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