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Elevation 6035

I took a weekend road trip to Colorado Springs while the smoke hung thick in the air.  As we drove, I listed the words I saw on road signs, street signs, billboards, and ads, and I compiled them into this piece.  Colorado, your healing will come.

Colorado Springs, Elevation 6035.
More than a mile high.
Fires in the sky.
Happy Canyon, where is your smile?
Black Forest, darker than before.
Scenic overlook closed;
we would look
or we wouldn’t.
Baptist Road, where is your god?
Woodmen Road, you are near kindling.
No stopping, 4 miles.
No stopping for miles.
Flying W, you have flown away, particles in the wind.
Justice Center, bring justice to this state.
Wolfensberger exit, the wolf knocks at your door.
Upper Lake, your waters burn.
Emergency and Authorized Vehicles only,
Unlawful to proceed,
Flames obey no one.
Call 5-1-1 for info.
Save 9-1-1 for the afraid.
Garden of the Gods, you stand tall,
a sanctuary protected.
Three Oaks Ranch, do all three remain?
Fire bans, fire restrictions, stay off the median –
Fires, this means you.
Rain on the windshield,
but not enough.
Smoke in my nose,
smoke in my eyes.
John Deere, Dear John.
We cared for your land; we must leave you behind.
“Adventure is a morning person.”
We start again tomorrow.
“Live Music on Thursdays” –
performing arts thrive in fire.
Fountain Blvd.
“All my fountains are in You.”
Let it rain.
Open the heavens.
Let it rain.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Linda Hentsch says:

    My friend’s sister-in-law lost everything to the fire (Shadow Mountain area) except three days worth of clothing and one car. Wedding pictures, family keepsakes, house, car–everything is gone. These folks truly need our prayers.

  2. Christine O. says:

    Praise God for the rain we got!
    That’s really neat Tricia.

  3. michelle oglesbee-Flores says:

    Thank you for that. I have a friend who lives in Colorado Springs and we are waiting to hear from him to see if their place survived. I am thinking not.

    • Christine O. says:

      They are in my prayers. Such a sad situation!


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