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First Draft Hike

“When you completed, your first draft, what did you do first?”

I clicked Save.

And then I got out of my chair, and I put my face to the carpeted floor in my office, my palms open and raised.

God, rain your holy fire on this offering.
This is what I can give.  May you breathe life into it.  Rain your holy fire. May these words catch your flame and burn like wildfire.

I closed my laptop.
I took one deep breath.
And I grabbed my ipod and left the house.
I walked the trail near my home, the one on which I trained for the 5K.

I didn’t quite run, but I didn’t quite walk.  I danced.

Chris Tomlin has written some great lyrics for such a victory walk.

All the way my Savior leads me.
Not to us, but to Your Name be the glory.
I’ve seen enough to know

that I don’t want to go if You’re not with me.
How can I keep from singing Your praise?
And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?
And if our God is for us, then what could stand against?

Sweaty with dancing and singing with exhilaration, I took the rest of the day off by cleaning out the basement.

I started up again the next morning with fresh eyes, a cup of coffee, and a new coat of lipstick.

This is one, wild ride.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. jding says:

    Love this!!

  2. Christine O says:

    Tricia, you teach me to pray deeper. To give it all to the Lord in a way I have not known before. Help me make my faith a little stronger. Thanks! I’ll be printing this one off to put in my day planned. 🙂

  3. gwen says:



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