One Lucky Squirrel
“Mommy! Stay away from that squirrel! If he bites you, you could get BOOBIES!!”
I think the word you’re looking for is rabies.
Thanks for the heads up, kiddo.
Tricia Lott Williford
“Mommy! Stay away from that squirrel! If he bites you, you could get BOOBIES!!”
I think the word you’re looking for is rabies.
Thanks for the heads up, kiddo.
Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) says:
This explains so much! I should have disobeyed my mother when she told me not to feed the squirrel!!
Amber says:
Haha love it!
Hannah says:
That’s great. If he’s right, I must have been bitten by lots of squirrels,…..