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A Man Among Women

The emotional barometer goes up at our house when anyone receives an invitation to a birthday party.

The recipient of the invitation reads aloud, raising one clever eye brow at his brother, as if to say, “Are you hearing this?  Are you listening to the fun I will enjoy and you will not?  Because I’m basking in it.”

They each get their fair share of invitations, so this routine is fair game.  The non-recipient has learned to sit quietly and remember fondly the last time he was the holder of the goody bag of birthday treats.

Plus, the non-recipient gets a date with mom during said birthday party.  It’s a win-win.

Tuck has been invited to the birthday party of one of his classmates, and there was a small note tucked inside:

Dear Tucker’s parents:
Our daughter really wanted to invite Tucker to her birthday party, but we want to let you know that he will be the only boy.  We’re having a cookie decorating party, and we would love to have him join us.  We just wanted to let you know about this guest list before he arrives.

Now that is very thoughtful, that right there.

“So, Tuck, this note says you’re going to be the only boy at the birthday party.  How do you feel about that?”

I kid you not: his face beamed with radiance.

“The only boy?!  Sure!  I’ll be the only boy!”  He said that last sentence with a tone of, “Sure!  I’ll sign up for that!”

He’s eager to tell all the other boys in his community that he will be the only one at this party.  I asked him not to, as this could cause some complications for the birthday girl.

But I am most pleased with my son.  Way to be the kindest boy she knows, Tuck.  She wants to decorate cookies with you and all her girlfriends.

And your daddy would say, “Way to go, bud.  Always go to a party where there are more girls than guys.  The odds are totally in your favor.”

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Penny says:

    Love Tucker’s reaction!!! Priceless!
    My best friend’s three children are all the exact ages of my three. We were pregnant together all three times~ all of the “pairs” are three months apart. 🙂 We’re all like family. Our first two were both girls, then she had two boys while I produced two more girls. For years, the last two sets took turns being the “designated” only boy/girl at each other’s parties. 🙂

  2. Jaimie T says:

    This is glorious.

  3. Christine O says:

    Way to go Tuck!!! We are all proud of you.

  4. Amber says:

    That is just the cutest!

  5. Becky Johnson says:

    Adorable. Big Grin.

  6. Mallory says:

    Thank you for making me smile today! It was much needed as I try to hang on until 3:15 with a classroom of 5th graders who are anticipating Easter break!

    This is a great story and his daddy is smiling down on him from Heaven. And I am smiling for him from Ohio! Can’t wait to see you in a few weeks at the Chapel!


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