Not My Word of the Day sends me a Word of the Day.
(I remember when Robb and I sat across the table from one another on a date night, both of us more wrapped up in our smartphones than in each other. I had downloaded the Dictionary app, and he had downloaded the Scientific Table of Elements.
Neither one of us could understand why the other could find a use for such an app, and neither of us minded that we were merely sharing space and little else. We were both totally okay with that definition of ‘date.’ I still don’t regret it.
Sometimes you’ve got to let each other be. Sometimes it’s enough to listen to the breath of the person beside you and know that the word ‘beside’ is important and enough.)
Today’s word of the day: fard.
Fard. v. To apply cosmetics.
Fard. Farding. Farded.
Yeah, no. I’m not using this word.
And apparently I’m in fifth grade, because I’ve been saying it in my mind all day, giggling to myself.
“There’s so much farding happening all around me today.”
“I think you need to fard.”
“Whew. I totally need more face wash. You know, from all the farding.”
“Look, the woman next to me is farding at the stoplight.”
“Where’s Mommy?” “She’s in the bathroom. Farding.”
(Robb would have had one glory day with this word. As would his sons.)
I choose, no thank you,
That is not my word of the day.
And I will not say this word out loud. Nope. Won’t.
Will not.
jjhil says:
I don’t fard as often as my mother thinks I should. (hehehe…you have to admit, a little silly can add a lot of joy to any life – embrace it!)
Sara says:
“Hey, y’all were awfully late to church today! Yeah, sorry, my sister had to fard.”
mtrahyn says:
today I was behind a woman on my way to work and noticed that she was “farding” at the stop sign. I said it out loud…and then laughed!
Amber Peters says:
Ah that’s so funny!! I always fard in my cubicle at work. Nobody seems to mind though.
Debbie Phillips says:
Bwaahahahaha!! roflol!
Penny says:
I’m gonna use this at lunch and see if anyone notices!
Kathi Schultz says:
I sent this word in an email to my sister (because it sounds like the kind of silly thing we would exchange), and spell-check didn’t like it! Apparently, it won’t say it either! haha!
Marilyn Ferbrache says:
Too funny! Wait until it pops up on Words with Friends!!
Penny says:
I was just thinking about when I could use it on there!
Amber says:
I really love needing more facewash. You know, from all the farding. Haha 🙂 hilarious!
r8chel says:
Kristi McElroy says:
I’m reading this to my self…laughing out loud…. tears rolling down my face….My husband says, “what is so funny ?!” and I can’t say it ! lol
kayelizabethday says:
I will. I’ll say it out loud. I’ll take it. It can be my word of the day!
Claire Pisor says:
Not out loud, but I bet you whisper it in the shower!!
Queen of Unique says:
I simply cannot stop laughing 🙂
Katy Epling says:
Carol Keller says:
“Sometimes you’ve got to let each other be. Sometimes it’s enough to listen to the breath of the person beside you and know that the word ‘beside’ is important and enough.” I needed this today. My sweet husband had a mild stroke over the weekend.