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Natural Progression


Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. MrsMK says:

    Love these boys!!

  2. Lois Hollingsworth says:

    So, Tricia. How in the world did you get 2 boys to wear coordinating pastel argyle sweaters??? My 4 year old grandson went to church on Easter morning wearing a black hoodie (in this day, at THIS time….) because he likes to pick his own clothes, and as a wise Grandma I have learned to “pick my battles.” He was going to church! He was learning about the risen Savior! He was excited with his palm leaf! and he is four….

  3. Christine O says:


  4. Linda Hentsch says:

    Four older brothers; three sons: boys are bear cubs.

  5. Claire Pisor says:

    Before my husband saw the second picture he said, “They’re going to start wrestling.”
    I’m still laughing–males, do they know each other or what?!

  6. Sue Muckley says:


  7. Teresa (TheWidowB) says:

    Boys! Got to love them 🙂


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