Vade Mecum
I always have a book with me. Physically and always, I have a book with me.
I just learned there is a name for this: vade mecum. vay-dee-MEE-kum noun.
1. a book for ready reference: manual.
2. something regularly carried about by a person.
“Vade mecum” is Latin for “go with me.”
Could there be a better phrase for the book at my side? I think not.
I think I have a new favorite phrase in Latin.
Which means this is the first time I’ve had a favorite phrase in Latin.
This is a big day.
Tricia Lott Williford
Alicia says:
I love that! I do the same because you never know when you will have some down time. I also always have THE book with me because that is one that cannot leave my side.
Rob says:
This would be a great name for a luggage company.
tricialottwilliford says:
Indeed. We should launch one. 😉
Rob says:
Because that’s what both of us are qualified to do and passionate about.