Author. He said Author.
“I would like to represent you,” he said.
He and his wife met me for coffee; he is the business, she is the intuition. Together, they are renowned in their field as a tremendously successful literary team.
And he wants to represent me.
I think my expression was somewhat quizzical. “So, are you saying I have an agent?”
His eyes twinkle when he smiles. “You have an agent. And I have a client.”
Oh… oh my goodness. I have a literary agent.
(“And what does a literary agent do?” is what most people have asked at this point when I tell them this story.
Well, if publishers are at the top of the bookselling ladder, and we writers are at the bottom, the literary agents represent all the steps in between. They sort through the chaff of what might really be best as a blog or a magazine article, and they can sniff out a book a mile away.
Agents have relationships and rapport with the people who make decisions in the industry. These skilled agents take the book proposal to their top-shelf friends, and they say, “Hey, I think I’ve found one you might be interested in.”
Agents make things happen. They turn writers into authors; they facilitate the chrysalis evolution from the idea to the bookshelf.)
“You have it in you to make a career as an author.”
Through our conversation, we explored my book outline, my voice as a writer, and the kind of books today’s readers want. She shared her brilliance, he shared his expertise, I shared my ideas.
I told them that my voice and my courage as a writer lean more toward Ann Lamott than Karen Kingsbury.
She said, “Well, that’s great, because we love Ann Lamott.”
He interjected, “And I was Karen Kingsbury’s agent.”
(Google Karen Kingsbury, if you’re unfamiliar. Go ahead, I’ll wait.)
He said, “Now, what I don’t want you to do is to write a scriptural how-to book on the process of grief.”
“Well, that’s good. Because I am not equipped to do that.”
She leaned across the table and put her hand on mine. “Tricia, you have PhD in Hope. That’s what has equipped you. Just tell your story.”
“You have a PhD in Hope.”
I said, “I really want to tell you: I can do this.”
He smiled. “Oh, I know you can. You have it in you to make a career as an author.”
Author. He said Author.
And so, with a handshake and some signatures, I have signed with a literary agent. My heart spills with joy, my mind with ideas.
As I got in the car, I reached for my phone, desperately wishing to call my husband.
Hey, babe? I think it’s happening.
Jackie says:
I’m so thrilled and anxiously anticipating the release of your first book! I will Pre-order, order for others (because I’ll absolutely need yours in my personal library), share the news, and thank the Lord for your success. You’re words inspire me like no other. Thank you for that! Lot’s of love from TX!
Debi says:
So very happy for you and excited for the rest of us who will experience the product of your gift.
Jen H. says:
YAY!!!!! 🙂
MrsMK says:
I am beyond thrilled at this news! Your books are greatly anticipated!!
Terry, Darlene & Brittany says:
Trisha? You shared your fantastic news with hundreds of people who’ve grown to love you – and will likely never even meet you. And you know what else? He knows. He knows, and he’s smiling from heaven. Ear-to-ear. So proud of you.
Amber Peters says:
That is awesome!! Congratulations!
Christine O says:
I am SO excited!!!! So proud of you! I’ve always known you would get published and knew you could help others learn about grief. 🙂
csquaredmerrill says:
This is amazing & so exciting! You deserve it – we can’t wait to read even MORE of what you have to say!
Betsy Frake says:
Congratulations! Such exciting news for you and a well-deserved affirmation of your talent. But I must admit, I had to Google Ann Lamott, not Karen Kingsbury.
Lelia says:
I knew you would write a book, Tricia, and I am looking forward to reading it SOON!
deanna says:
My heart is so full for you, and it breaks a little, too. Of course you reached for your phone to call him!
Talk to him anyway.
Kim A. says:
This comes at no surprise for all of us your-faithful-blog-readers-soon-to-be-your-faithful-book-readers!
Praise the Lord for this opportunity and for the gifts and talents He has given you to serve Him and bring Him glory!!
And Robb? Somehow, I think he already knows now what he always believed you could accomplish….
Congratulations! 🙂
~Kim A.
Corinne Palmberg says:
How exciting…………have followed your blog all along your journey and feel as I though I know you although we have never met. Anxious to see what God has in store for you!!
Melissa says:
That is amazing, Tricia. 🙂 I’m so happy for you! You are truly one of the most gifted writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading.
r8chel says:
Tricia, I’ve been following your blog ever since I discovered it (and devoured the archives!) last fall. You’re a tremendous writer, so I’m thrilled to hear this news!
Brent Johnson says:
Tricia, this is the first time I have read anything you wrote. I agree with others that you have a gift in writing. Becky Johnson posted a link to this page on Facebook.
When I read it I felt like we were just conversing together – very nice. What really got to me down deep is when you reached for the phone to call your husband. Wow! There are times when I am traveling and I want to call or share with my wife. I can’t imagine her not with me so as you share write just know you are an encouragement to so many. Love the term “PhD of Hope”.
I look forward to hearing/reading more. Blessings to you and the awesome literary team. May God Bless you in your writing and more so in your life as you balance career, parenting, and personal area of your life.
Blessings from Texas,
Brent Johnson
Becky Johnson says:
Oh, Tricia. I was in the car beside Greg The Super Agent, in Nashville, when this post came in. He tried to tell me, “She’s such a good writer,” but his voice kept failing him. Finally he took his glasses off and let the the tears flow. When he found his voice he said, “She wanted to call her husband and tell her the news…” We are so in love that when we hear about True Love lost, we feel it in every cell in our body, imagining… if it were me, if it were him….. And we know we’d always want to call each other with good news, no matter where the other was. We love you already..and feel it the ultimate privilege to help you tell your stories.
Jennifer says:
I didn’t know your hubby, but I think he would say, I KNEW YOU WOULD!
Jodi Tucker says:
One day I will be happy to read any and all books that you will write……Then I will pass on these books to friends and family, too. This was cool news!!
Lynda Wishart says:
This is TERRIFIC news. And now, I get to tell Jen, “I TOLD you so!”
Not that she ever doubted. I just knew from the moment I read your first email a year ago, that you were meant to travel this writing path…so I had “dibbs” on this prediction.
I had been praying that the Lord would insert the correct people into your life, Author.
Kristi McElroy says:
tears of joy for you this day !! and anticipation to have my first Tricia Lott Williford book in my library !
Jaimie says:
Yep! I have been in the business of scoping out literary agents for 3 years now. I’ve seen writers get signed with agents and writers get not signed, and you’re one of those I can wholeheartedly believe an agent would hunt down. You are a money maker, ma’am. Looking forward to your book.
Jaimie says:
PS. Did you know Ann Lamott got on Twitter this week? Yes it’s true.
tricialottwilliford says:
Oh my goodness. I must find her. Immediately. 🙂
Jaimie says:
Nice, WordServe. I have heard good things!
Patty Kline says:
Tricia, I am crying right now, bawling actually, for several different reasons, but the chief one is I am so happy for you.
Joline says:
Completely deserved. Revel in what the Lord is lavishing upon you . . .
Kirsten Smith says:
this is amazing and overwhelming and surprising and yet not surprising. “a PhD in hope”~love it! so excited for you!!!