A Bill to Pay

I have a bill to pay today: the ER bill from December 22, 2010.
Even though the services rendered didn’t help my husband,
even though it’s nobody’s fault,
even though the patient died 12 hours later,
I have a bill to pay.
There are some things a death certificate doesn’t forgive.
* * *
p.s. I contacted them today. They sent their sincere condolences, and they apologized that they had not forgiven the debt sooner. My account has been shifted to $0.00. This is what happens when there is a person behind the system.
Tricia Lott Williford
Jaimie says:
That’s awesome that they did that for you. Stuff like that doesn’t happen often in our screwed up health care system…
Patty Kline says:
Another one of the harsh realities that death brings. I’m sorry, Tricia. Lots of hugs to you.
Becky Johnson says:
There is only one word that I want to say in response to this excruciating reality but it isn’t a nice word. How many excruciating realities can one woman handle in a year? Hoping that as the Lord continues to bless your writing, He’ll also soon make it profitable, and that this bill, and many others will be a distant fuzzy memory, making room for lots more new (happy)memories in this year of fresh starts.
tricialottwilliford says:
Thank you for praying and hoping that way, Becky. You bless me. 🙂