A New Chapter Starts Today

Thoughts in 2007…
Well, here I am.
A stay-at-home mom with two little tiny guys.
Tucker is two,
Tyler is four months old,
Robb is loving us and climbing the corporate ladder,
and we’re tangled up in diapers,
a double stroller,
adventures to the park,
and pleas for my sanity.
I need an outlet.
Maybe I’ll start a blog.
I’ve heard that’s a good idea.My profession is teaching, and I guess I still am a teacher. Instead of a class roster of 29, I have a full time following of 2. But I’m still teaching.
I’m ‘Teaching Tuck and Ty.’So, sure. I’ll give it a go.
Let’s see… Start Your Own Blog Here.
And, now, here I am.
More than four years later,
More than 1,500 blog posts,
More than a thousand daily readers.
Tucker is six,
Tyler is four,
I am a widowed single mom,
and I am still teaching Tuck and Ty.
The irony of that blog title isn’t lost on me.
I thought I would write about the daily musings of teaching two little boys, and I did.
But my genre expanded to include the daily thoughts of how I may
teach them well as their only parent,
teach them to be men without the help of their dad,
teach them to grieve and laugh all in the same day,
teach them that even though we were once a sturdy wagon,
we can be a really strong tricycle.
The boys have grown taller,
I have grown stronger,
the story has grown bigger,
and it’s time to give all of this a new home.
Welcome to The Thoughts and Writings of Tricia Lott Williford.
A new chapter starts today.
Jay says:
Tricia, this is amazing, you continue to be such an inspiration. We are saving our pennies in a large jar so we can come over and see you guys hopefully next summer. God Bless you and the boys from all of us here in England, J, Est, Ellie and Evie x
tricialottwilliford says:
J and Est, my English muffins,
I love you. I would love to have you here. Next summer: I’m penciling you in. 🙂
xoxo from the USA.
momofabc says:
Congratulations!! I love the new look and am really exciting to continue “blog-stalking” you!!
Polly says:
I’ve loved every chapter thus far. Of your life. Oh yes, I do want to see what God will do in the days and years ahead. Count me in. 🙂
Julia says:
Thank You for these thoughts, the road can be tough, but w/ the LORD’s guidance He w/
bring us FORTH!
Wendy Himes says:
Fantastic. I love the new look, the new chapter. Looking forward while nodding to and respecting the past. I read it every day and love the sage advice and perceptive insight. Good luck with all you do, Tricia!
Courtney Kennon says:
Congratulations on your new blog home. I look forward to reading your words for days to come!
somethingsage says:
Bravo, Tricia. The site looks great, and I am excited to see what is written here. I really enjoy and appreciate your writing. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Jen Malone says:
Bring on a new chapter! Bring it.
karen127 says:
Hi sweetie, welcome to another “new thing” in your life. Yes, you had a wonderful blog in teaching Tuck and Ty , but this will be something new. I loved what you wrote about the “second year”, I just couldn’t find a place to post a comment there. I love how you are doing the “next thing”. Hugs and prayers continue, karen
Kimberly Rodstrom says:
You continue to inspire me as a mother and a woman. I truly enjoy watching ‘Teaching Tuck and Ty’ pop into my email each morning and will happily and anxiously await ‘The Thoughts and Writings of Tricia Lott Williford’ each day moving forward. Your journey has captured me, my thoughts and my soul. Thank you for sharing this with all of us, your loyal readers and unknown friends. May ‘the second year’ bring more peace to you, Tuck and Ty. Thank you for teaching me as you continue to teach them.
All my best,
Kim (Ohio)
Janet Billson says:
Great idea, Tricia! I love that you’re leaving the old blog up, like an old, beloved book that we can go back to. But a new chapter is a great idea, and I look forward to see what you’ll write on these pages!
Stacey Lambes says:
Bravo- I can’t wait to read what happens next. Thank you for being so candid, open, and honest. I look for you for strength when I sometimes feel I have none that day. Congrats on your new journey!
tricialottwilliford says:
Those are such gracious words, Stacey. Thank you for telling me – and may we find strength together.
Marcia Miller says:
Yes Trisha! You go girl—-God is holding your hand and ministering to many hearts that read your blog to point their faces toward Him! You go girl—
Andy lancaster says:
I’ve enjoyed your writings of your thoughts, struggles, teachings and your grief. Thanks for living your life searching for our God.
Pat Burk says:
Well, Tricia, this is just beyond wonderful! A crisp, clean format, easily understood and maneuvered… a very good ‘new home’ for your thought-provoking, inspiring words. I can’t wait to see what comes next. God bless you, dear! And I have absolutely no doubt that He will. Abundantly. 🙂
Patty Kline says:
Hooray, Tricia! Thank you for the warm welcome. Just as your previous blog did, I know this one will continue to inspire me, bring tears at times, make me laugh, and always bless me.
Kirsten Smith says:
love it! grateful to be a follower.
Shelly Coulter says:
Excited to be here! Love the new look! 🙂